When it comes to choosing the method of payment and payment gateway for your booking transactions, it is essential to consider efficiency, security, and ease of use. Opting for bank transfer as a method of payment provides a direct and secure way to transfer funds. By utilizing bank transfers, you can facilitate transactions seamlessly, ensuring that payments are processed swiftly and securely.
Moreover, leveraging a reputable payment gateway supported by ABA Bank enhances the reliability and trustworthiness of your payment processing system. ABA Bank’s payment gateway ensures that transactions are processed efficiently and securely, providing a seamless experience for both businesses and customers. By combining the convenience of bank transfers with the advanced technology of ABA Bank’s payment gateway, you can optimize your payment processing system to meet the highest professional standards in the industry.
BANK TRANSFER – ABA BANK (www.ababank.com)
Direct Bank Transfer:
- Bank account name: Visit Local Travel
- Account Number: 009766242
- Beneficiary address: Krous village, Svaydangkum, Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Beneficiary Bank details: Advanced Bank of Asia Limited
- Address: No. 148, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Secure Online Payment Gateway
Payway by ABA bank (www.payway.com.kh)
We accept payment by card shown below through our most trusted bank: