Discover Cambodia Countryside: A Hidden Gem of Southeast Asia

Discover Cambodia Countryside

When most people think of Cambodia, they envision the iconic Angkor Wat or the bustling streets of Phnom Penh. However, the true essence of this beautiful country lies in its Cambodia countryside. Far from the tourist crowds, the rural landscapes of Cambodia offer a serene escape, rich in culture, history, and natural …

Bats Cave in Phnom Sampeau, Battambang

Bat Cave Phnom Sampov

The bats cave is one of three at Phnom Sampeau that contain colonies of over one million Asian wrinkle-lipped bats (Chaenephon Plicatus). Only 13 colonies of the species are known in Cambodia. These are thought to support over 6.5 million bats in total, and the …

Day Tour Experience in Phnom Penh

Day Tour Experience

Before making our way to Siem Reap and the temples of Angkor, we headed to Phnom Penh to do a day tour experience. Don’t miss this capital city because it is alive with both history and nightlife. We found many things to do in Phnom …

11 Incredible Things to Do in Siem Reap

Things to do

Siem Reap is a unique blend of splendor and culture, a city that receives millions of visitors every year and the gateway to one of the wonders of the world – Angkor Wat. The temples of Angkor, being on the most popular attraction and Things …